Sounds From The Heart EP

Sounds From The Heart EP
The Original Sounds From the Heart EP By Exhu Yasuke

Monday, January 27, 2025

Waterfalling Into The Sky

 A man sitting among four hundred and sixty six billion swords, Pull the wrong and he is shocked to find out what happens, Yet the correct one is there somewhere, He concludes that the answer must be to remain present.

The huge being hovering abve the ground, watchfull of this small realm, yet the contents have a vast nature I'm

The answer must lie within that being so he pulls each sword ever so slightly as he can be shocked, Astounded or bewildered by each pull.

 He only pulls slightly, Roar says that being as it calls yet it is above and the man low.

Walking so far what is that a waterfall that is going upwards enldessy into the sky, swimming up would be swimming forever therefore he only drinks.

Is the time moving or has it ceased he does not know or care, going forth he uncovers the correct sword

Atlast com down that which is high so it came down , he pierced the monster ended up piercing himself he becomes the sky being and soars high above the waterfall looking down on it above the clouds.

Then of He goes into the diagonal Horizon

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